why brush the baby teeth?

TO get a cavity you need four things:

  1. Plaque (the film on your tooth)

  2. bacteria

  3. a Tooth

  4. Time

By brushing your teeth, you reduce/remove the the plaque and bacteria on your tooth and the time needed to create cavity. That’s why toothbrushing is important to prevent cavities.

However, no amount of brushing can overcome a very sugar-rich diet. Consuming frequent sugar is essentially bathing your teeth in acid. Read about sugar here.

you cannot 100% remove the plaque and bacteria from every surface of your tooth when you brush.

That’s why we recommended twice daily brushing for 2 minutes.

Brushing for twice a day for 2 minutes allows for better and more frequent plaque and bacteria removal.

Nighttime is the most important time if you have a hectic schedule or if brushing is a challenge.

When you first start, try to make it fun (and probably quick!) for your child!

If they want, let them “brush” first, then you follow-up. Songs, counting, practicing on toys all help with the process.

Remember, you’re building a routine. Once you find what works, keep it consistent! You will have challenging times, but consistency is key!

If you want to use a fluoridated toothpaste, use a grain of rice sized about for children under 3 and a pea-sized amount for children over 3 years of age

it’s recommended you brush for 2 minutes. For toddlers and young children, 30-60 seconds is more reasonable.

Again, try to make brushing fun! As with all phases of childhood, realize that your child will go through times where it will be difficult. Again, keep it consistent, don’t waver, and build that habit!

Do the best you can. FOcus on getting a good brushing before bed.

Tips when brushing is difficult

  • Pick your battle

  • Before bed is the most important time

  • Change the environment

  • Switch the location/timing your brushing

  • Some do better brushing with siblings/parents

  • Try a distraction (game/tv/device) if allowable

  • have a model (sibling/book/video)

  • Reward good behavior

  • Just not something carb-rich/sugary before bed

  • if it’s really difficult, try to brush a few times a week.

  • The more you do it, the more comfortable your child will be with the routine.

  • Your child’s diet is much more important if you cannot brush. Focus on what you can control.

  • That’s it…but remember, no amount of brushing will overcome a high sugar diet. limit the sugars!