12+ YeARS

the Teeth

  • Your child should have all of their adult teeth now.

  • The last teeth that could grow in are the 3rd molars or wisdom teeth

    • Your dentist will take a radiograph of the whole jaw (Pan) to evaluate and give recommendations.

  • If your child is a candidate for braces, it typically happens around this age.


  • Same applies as before.

  • When giving your child carbohydrates - try to limit refined sugars and sticky carbohydrates (gummies, crackers, etc.) to mealtimes.

  • When it comes to sugar and teeth - it’s not how much sugar you give, it’s how often you give it.

    • If you give your child something sugary, keep it with a meal or on a special occasion.

  • Do not keep sugary foods in your house.

  • Unless advised by your pediatrician, do not give you child any liquids except for milk and water.

    • Juice or sugared beverages may be recommended when your child is sick, that is OK.

    • Other than that, unless advised otherwise - No Juice. No Soda. No Sugar Sweetened Beverages.


  • Continue to brush the teeth twice daily for about 2 minutes.

    • If you want to use a fluoridated toothpaste, use only a pea size amount.

  • Try to floss daily.

  • Your child is brushing on their own at this point. Encourage proper brushing.

    • Some pictures of poor teeth provided here for motivation.

  • If you child does not want to brush, really limit sugar and carbohydrate frequency in the diet.

Time for them to get a job.